Regenerating Waterfronts To Face Climate Change

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The effects of climate change are increasing at an unprecedented rhythm, which demands adaptation and transformation of vulnerable waterfront territories. Cities aim to build up resilience, not only to mitigate losses, but also to transform themselves into stronger, improved built environments. Before the effective adaptation and mitigation, cities face years of discussions and/or lawsuits involving significant costs. This special session values a debate between researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders who will share their know-how on aspects of humanities-led, collaborative sustainable urban development, and formal or non-formal solutions that improve the urban, social and natural environments. It will focus on the need to progress and discuss solutions that better prepare waterfronts to face sea level rise, high tides, storms, floods and other threats. How can cities become more resilient? What requires the adaption? Who should lead the process? When is the appropriate time to do it? To enhance resilience, it is necessary to recognize present gaps. Research, namely at geographical, historical, cultural, political, and climatic levels should contribute to develop approaches and find systematic means. New strategies can be carried out by bottom-up initiatives, emerge from interdisciplinary and comparative cases, or by examples of regeneration that enhance resilience to face present and future challenges. Papers on Regenerating Waterfronts To Face Climate Change can cover: - New research fields, network theories and forms of collaboration. - Successful implementation of innovative strategies - Decarbonisation and carbon-positive procedures - Geographic and historical factors in environmental planning - Tools for adaptation of urban waterfronts, floodable landscapes, self-sufficiency, and community engagement. - Impact of extreme swings in climatic conditions - Technical waterfront transformation process - Cultural influence; the top-down approach versus bottom-up initiatives - Public space city dynamics and future options - Cross-fertilization and interaction of best practices in different fields - Economic impact of political short-term decisions and the involvement of relevant stakeholders - Data management influenced by theories of complexity - Dissemination of results to scientific, academic, practitioners and policymakers
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4: Safeguarding the Urban Resilience
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Senior Architect
Ressano Garcia, Arquitectos

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