Through re-use of industrial and abandoned heritage along the waterfonts and implementation of new purposes, there is intention to take into account the so-called “culture -led regeneration” method. A whole regional network of cities worldwide wish to create a guideline for urban regeneration through reuse by creative industries; taking into account all the values, tradition, authenticity and identity of the place. Not only professional guidelines as manuals, but a system of obligatory principles to upgrade existing planning documents, in the near future. The EU project upon a call of "Creative Europe" has been submitted on 30th of April 2020, with valuable partners from Academia, cultural Non-Governmental Organization creatives and small/medium design enterprises (SMEs). To expand EU and global influence this project is focused on Western Balkans countries. They are obliged to cooperate with advanced EU countries which should lead them how to implement already adopted skills and experience, in this case of Poland and Portugal. Partners are selected from all non EU countries of the Western Balkans; two EU member states and two both EU and WB countries. One pilot project - a creative hub from each country would assess the effectiveness and disseminate results widely. Added value will be a formal learning and access to target groups to acquire new teaching methods and improve curriculum. New, adopted skills for a mix of students of architecture and creatives would be a step forward into better starting position for employment in sustainable society. The project targets to assess the needs of creative class and produce new knowledge on available spaces; to take best examples from the EU advanced examples; to strengthen capacities and skills of future generation of architects and creatives. Through acting together, in synergy, which absented till now; architects could listen to creatives about their needs concerning new spaces for performing, and re-used spaces found by architects. The added value would be: immediate and valuable purpose, interesting engaged performances carrying EU values, spreaded wider to the communities. In the form of a creative hub, that kind of pilot project will show its effectiveness. Very important is to form much better partnership between academic and creative sectors, in order to form a common platform for mapping, protecting and finding ways of reusing industrial heritage. The Faculty of Architecture (University of Belgrade) gathers different participants in order to form this specific collaboration. Research is a very important part of a project, and includes collecting all data about specific industrial heritage, precise analyses of local user needs. Important aspect is the opportunity for students internships, an upgraded skill knowledge which puts participants ready to enter the real world, as a very significant aspect of scholarship. Results from research serve as valuable resources for the Creative industries Association to propose and realize compatible and specialized types of content adjusted to exact space. The project fosters multiculturalism and transnational values by sharing those knowledge interregional, as well as a clear-cut approach to the community. SO1) to produce new awareness of industrial heritage spaces that can be used for creative industries, SO2) to educate a new production of students, SO3) to pilot one creative hub and assess the results, SO4) to disseminate the results by reaching a greater audience. Concerning this last goal, in order to reach a greater audience, project is selected as the educational one by members of ISOCARP which are also active participants of this project.