Welcome to the 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

Welcome words: ISOCARP President - Martin Dubbeling

"Nationwide energy infrastructures on sustainable energy will change the way we use, build, plan and design our landscapes and cities. Wind parks, solar fields and electric and thermal storage facilities will have an impact on land use in and around cities. Regional planners, landscape architects and urban designers play a crucial role in leading the way towards revisioning and recreating our landscapes and cities."

Welcome words: ISOCARP Secretary General and Co-chair of the World Planning Congress Committee - Frank D'hondt

"We are no longer dreaming but stepwise (re)designing cities powered by renewable energies where citizens move around by mostly walking, cycling and using public transport. The transition into the post-oil City still needs a sea-change though and it will require thoughtful planning and change management. The 56th World Planning Congress will provide a platform to cross-fertilize urban theory and praxis for innovative urban green deals."

 Welcome words: General Rapporteur - Piotr Lorens and Co-Rapporteur - Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha

"New times need new planning. It is not only about new themes and topics, but also a new level of integration. This refers not only to particular issues, but also to the new dialogue between theoreticians and practitioners, between institutional stakeholders and local communities, and finally – between professionals representing various traditions, cultures and having different experiences. Only then we will be able to start getting ready for the future."
H.E. Eng. Fahad AL Qahtani, Ministry of Municipality and Environment

Welcome words: Chair of Urban Economy Forum Reza Pourvaziry

"To correctly estimate the future of urbanism, it is important to consider the transformative trends in society's lifestyle and pay attention to the philosophy and understanding of lifestyle.  For example, the fundamental impact that social media and the tiny border between virtual and physical space has had on society."

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