Schedule of Virtual Meeting Place

Virtual Meeting Place: Networking, Mentoring Sessions, and Publication Launching

11 December 2020 (Friday), 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM CET

This full day will be dedicated to professional networking activities and knowledge exchange between our Congress Delegates and ISOCARP members. To start off, we are opening the platform for our Virtual Mentoring Sessions in multiple time slots between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Experienced ISOCARP members ("Mentors") will be available at the "Mentoring Zone" to share their expertise and guide the Mentees on their career and professional development. Non-mentees may also approach the mentors and casually chat with them. At 15:00 CET, some members of the ISOCARP Board will deliver short presentations about the Society's activities. There will also be an opportunity to meet and greet with the Board and other active members of ISOCARP as we move towards the "ISOCARP World Cafe" section of our Virtual Meeting Place at 15:30 CET for socials. The networking activities will be immediately followed by the formal publication launching of our co-hosting organisation, UN-Habitat, on their book series about Rapid Urbanisation. Everyone is welcome to join and attend this launching, presentation and subsequent discussion!

Virtual Meeting Place: Meet and Greet 

8 November 2020 (Sunday), 12:45 PM - 01:45 PM CET 

Step into an informal meeting place to get to know fellow congress attendees and meet the Congress Team members who have been working behind the scenes over the course of this year to ensure a successful event. Congress participants can explore the Gather Town platform while meeting professional peers or catching up with friends from across the globe.   

Virtual Meeting Place: Share Your Congress Expectations 

9 November 2020 (Monday), 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM CET 

You are invited to freely share your expectations for the congress, either verbally or via the working document provided in the World Cafe on the Gather.Town platform. The Congress Team will aim to deliver on these expectations!  

Virtual Meeting Place: Building the Congress Message 

10 November 2020 (Tuesday), 01:30 PM - 02:00 PM CET 

Share "takeaway messages" from each of the 3 parallel sessions: Room 1 (Track 6 - Creating Healthy and Inclusive Urban Environment), Room 2 (Track 1 - Spatial and Functional Reorganisation of City) and Room 3 (Track 3 - Redefining Urban Connectivity from Network Planning to Local Design). Mingle and connect after the presentations to continue informal discussions and network with co-professionals. Be sure to read the 56th ISOCARP Congress Declaration and leave your mark: this year ISOCARP invites all participants to contribute over the course of the Congress - to ensure a truly inclusive and collaborative Congress and a shared congress message.   

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