
IMPORTANT: If you have submitted an abstract or you already have an account on the Congress website for another reason, please log in to your account first before purchasing a ticket. If you buy the ticket without being logged in, we cannot assign the ticket to the account you submitted an abstract with.

The various fee categories below are EARLY BIRD TICKET PRICES valid for all the virtual activities of the 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress. These are classified into two ticket groups: (A) For ISOCARP members or (B) For all other participants who are NOT members of ISOCARP. Through the ticket form, you can purchase tickets for up to 9 persons. If you want to buy tickets for 10 or more people together, you qualify for a 10% discount. In this case, please contact us directly via


  1. To buy tickets, please select the number of attendees first at the bottom of the page. 
  2. Then, fill out the form with the requested information. If you are logged in to your account, these fields will be automatically filled out when you tick the auto-fill option. 
  3. On the right-hand side of the form, select the ticket category per attendee. If you are buying tickets for multiple participants, make sure to use the correct email address of each attendee. DO NOT use a single email address for all. 
  4. If you have a discount code, fill it in on the bottom right corner of the page and click "Apply"
  5. Afterwards, click "Checkout" and complete the payment procedures. Registration can be paid via credit card, PayPal or bank transfer.
  6. You will find your tickets and invoices--both pending and confirmed--on the Dashboard of your account.
    - Credit card and PayPal transactions: Once payment is successful, you will receive an email notification with your tickets.
    - Bank transfer transactions: You will receive an automated email notification with the invoice as well as instructions on how to make the transfer. Once we have received the payment, you will receive a confirmation via email with your tickets.
  7. Everyone with active registrations will receive access codes to all the virtual events via email in due course.

*For any concerns or questions, please contact us at We will do our best to address them promptly.

**For the category "Participants from Developing Countries" (A.II., A.IV., B.II., B.IV.), please check if your country of nationality and residence is on this list

Tickets will be displayed based on your field selections.