Virtual Exhibition

Young Planning Professionals' Workshops 
Opening date: 8 November 2020 (Sunday), 10:00 AM CET 

For over two decades, ISOCARP has been leading international Young Planning Professionals' (YPPsworkshops - traditionally organised prior to annual congresses, to provide young planning professionals an opportunity to work in a multi-cultural setting, share their experiences on real-life planning problems, and exchange ideas and learn from each other as well as from senior colleagues. The YPPs Program is a crucial component of ISOCARP's dedication to promote and enhance the planning profession and commitment to facilitate knowledge for better cities with the young generations. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and moving the 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress into virtual space, the workshop hasn't had place. In lieu of this, we are proposing you to get familiar with the work of previous year's participants. 

Opening date: 9 December 2020 (Monday), 1:00 PM CET 

ISOCARP recognises excellence through the Society's Award Programme, consisting of the Award for Excellence bestowed for spatial and urban plans and projects, the Gerd Albers Award given for signification contributions to planning literature, and the Student Award. The announcement of the winners together with the presentations of the Award for Excellence winning entries will take place during the Plenary Event on November 9, 2020. The presentation of the awarded student work is scheduled for December 10, 2020. The winning presentations will be accessible at our Virtual Meeting Place (Gather.Town platform) in the exhibition area, for the entire duration of the Congress (November-February).  

ISOCARP Review  
Opening date: 9 December 2020 (Monday), 1:00 PM CET

With its new name, "Review of World Planning Practices: Volume 16: Post-Oil Urbanism", ISOCARP presents 14 articles organised into three sections: Post-Oil Urbanism; Development Policy, Research and Theory; and City and Regional Planning Practices. Volume 16 also includes forewords from the Society, a review of the 2019 Gerd Albers Award winning book, and a summary of the 2019 Award for Excellence winners.  

New to Volume 16, most articles describe the work of planners to implement more ethereal international, national and regional policy goals such as those to promote sustainable growth or reduce greenhouse emissions. These articles tell the story of promoting local stakeholder cooperation and collaboration to define and achieve local physical and behavioural changes. Our flagship publication will be released in its digital version during whole duration of the Congress (November-February) on the Virtual Meeting Place (Gather.Town platform).  

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