congress team 
Lorraine Gonzales (USA) & Hanna Obracht-Prondzynska (Poland)

The economic diversity and resilience in post-oil cities are reliant on establishing framework plans and strategies to guide local economic investments in response to global economic trends. What drives a city's economy is dependent on understanding how to maintain a balanced and diverse economy, acknowledging the post-oils realities and global competitions, and acting on relevant opportunities across economy cycles. It is also essential that cities are receptive with engaging in future debates that contribute in shaping their knowledge-based society and developing a diverse and circular economy. This track is about how to understand at what extent the generation of knowledge, sustainability, and innovation will influence a city's economic and development structure that previously focused on traditional oil-based production.

Paper submittals should be based on proven planning practices and tested solutions that address economic diversity and resilience. Below is a list of paper topics to be considered:

  • Circular Economy
  • New economic models for circularity (influencing current city development – sharing economy, online vs. locality)
  • Regenerative approach and spatial factors for economic success and resilience
  • City Planning and economy for planetary crisis
  • Green economy & regenerative approach (recycle and zero waste)
  • Tourism vs. environmental justice
  • Financial services for resilience
  • Aspects regarding structural flexibility for economy opportunism
  • Data collection for monitoring & elevation tools for implementing regenerative based solutions
  • Data driven decisions for net-zero

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