Special Session on Regenerating Waterfronts To Face Climate Change
The enhancement of urban resilience comes from interdisciplinary and comparative cases, where researchers are exploring innovative approaches using tools appropriate to build a resilient built environment. New methods utilise updated technologies to analyse and predict urban risks, in order to mitigate and adapt to the growing global climate emergency. Given that risk and disaster are different for each specific territory, the vulnerability in facing the climate crisis and necessity to develop strategies towards resilience, emerge from a comparison of local conditions, cross perspectives and exchange of best practice.
Recent urban planning and architectural interventions are presented by researchers that share new strategies of innovative resilience, including qualitative and quantitative methods, related to water resources, planning policies, spatial planning, governance finance, stakeholder participation, activating green and blue infrastructure, innovative building materials, and permeability of the urban-land interface.
Virtual Room 2
56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress congress@isocarp.orgSpecial Session on Regenerating Waterfronts To Face Climate Change
The enhancement of urban resilience comes from interdisciplinary and comparative cases, where researchers are exploring innovative approaches using tools appropriate to build a resilient built environment. New methods utilise updated technologies to analyse and predict urban risks, in order to mitigate and adapt to the growing global climate emergency. Given that risk and disaster are different for each specific territory, the vulnerability in facing the climate crisis and necessity to develop strategies towards resilience, emerge from a comparison of local conditions, cross perspectives and exchange of best practice.
Recent urban planning and architectural interventions are presented by researchers that share new strategies of innovative resilience, including qualitative and quantitative methods, related to water resources, planning policies, spatial planning, governance finance, stakeholder participation, activating green and blue infrastructure, innovative building materials, and permeability of the urban-land interface.
In this session researchers are invited to present and discuss papers that reflect their own cultural and geographic specific methodologies. Climatic crisis brings challenges as well as new opportunities and the keynote will shed light on the positive side of this research. Speakers will share their research and new methodologies using different contexts and complementary approaches.
The special session on Waterfront Cities & the Impacts of Climate Change will have two keynote presentations, the first from UN Habitat presenting the National Framework from India, and second from China on improving urban resilience from the perspective of sponge city construction. Their presentations are followed by a round table discussion with participants and the Team Leaders of the H2020 research project – Sustainable Open Solutions in Waterfront Cities to Face Climate Change.
Moderators: | Pedro Ressano Garcia Elizabeth Reynolds |
16:00 - 16:20 | The National Framework for India Parul Agarwala, UN-Habitat Mansi Sachdev, UN-Habitat The Urban Sustainability Assessment Framework (USAF) is designed as a decision support tool for municipal commissioners and urban practitioners to support sustainable and resilient urban planning and management of cities in India. Urban diagnostics based on USAF cover 12 sectors, namely, governance and data management, finance and economy, housing and property, water, sanitation, waste management, clean energy, resilience, environment, public space-safety-urban form, transport, and social infrastructure. The performance of these sectors is measured using national and international benchmarks. USAF 'spatializes' several indicators of the framework for granular planning and identify inequalities in service delivery, resource allocation, accessibility of essential utilities, and recreational opportunities, among others, within a city. Furthermore, giving emphasis to spatially-informed planning, USAF equips city managers to model area-based development strategies and assess their impact on improving sectoral performance against benchmarks. Area-based development strategies developed through USAF, when combined with a financing plan, lay the ground work for capital investment plans thereby providing a critical link between urban planning, finance and governance. It can also help decision-makers prioritize projects to effectively direct resources towards targeted areas for maximum impact and benefit. |
16:20 - 16:30 | Study on the Strategy of Improving Urban Resilience from the Perspective of Sponge City Construction Fujun Xia |
16:30 - 17:30 | Roundtable Discussion with the Team Leaders of the H2020 Research Project Discussants: Joanna Zbierska Katarina Larsen Bruno Monardo Fred Sanders Tullia Di Giacomo Lina Suleiman Maria Rita Pais Claudia Mattogno Isabel Barbas Parul Agarwala Alkmini Paka Iwona Preis Lucyna Nyka Justyna Borucka Aktan Acar Isil Ruhi Paraskevi Tarani Pawel Lukasiak Karolina Krośnicka Mohammed Boubezari Rui Simões Kostas Sakantamis Tatiana Tzaka |