57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

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Nov 08, 2020
Feb 04, 2021
Add to Calendar 20201108T0900 20210204T2200 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress One of the main activities of ISOCARP is the organisation of our annual World Planning Congress which focuses on a planning theme of foremost international interest. Attended by some 500-750 delegates, ISOCARP World Planning Congresses are small enough for a personal interchange of ideas on a given theme, yet big enough to encompass a broad professional and international range. The Congresses are open to ISOCARP Members (reduced congress fees), but our Society warmly welcomes non-members (individuals, parties or organisations). The Congress provides a platform for establishing professional as well as personal contacts with colleagues from all around the world.

The 56th ISOCARP World Planning CongressWhile dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, we need to plan ahead to be more health resilient as a largely urban species. This needs to be combined and aligned with our imperative planning challenge to halt and reverse global warming and critical loss of biodiversity.
56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress congress@isocarp.org

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ISOCARP Secretariat

Waldorpstraat 17
2521 CA, The Hague
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (70) 346 2654
Email: congress@isocarp.org