Urban Planning Towards Nature-Connectedness for Residents’ Health in Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria

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Traditionally, nature implies a clear distinction between natural and artificial elements of the earth. The later being elements that are brought to being by human consciousness or a human mind. In the urban context, nature is not entirely devoid of human influence or inaccessible to man, rather, nature exists in urban areas and does not only survive the influence of man but also depends on it. An individual’s subjective sense of their relationship with the places of nature within a city explains the concept of nature-connectedness. Urban planning on the other hand is broadly conceived as the environmental, social, economic and constructive efforts made at making urban areas better, healthier and more than just a place to live, work and get around. In the wake of rapid urbanization around the world, spaces of natural features in urban areas have been constantly overtaken by the developments and activities of man. Physical and urban development planning for nature connections seeks not only to promote the conservation and preservation of natural spaces in the city, but also ensures that residents come in contact with nature in their daily lives and routine. In order to achieve this, spaces of natural features in the city have to be examined with focus on how it is environmentally safe, how it improves human health and also the level of its accessibility to the residents. A study on the planning of the city for residents’ connection to nature is significant as the gains derivable from nature are explored when people interact with the features while using their senses to experience its physical and psychological benefits. To improve health and well-being, there is need to strengthen the evidence to show how nature affects health and promote preventative health contribution made by protected areas and elements of urban nature. This entails mapping, assessment and quantification of the qualities and functions of these elements.
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6: Creating Healthy and Inclusive Urban Environment
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Graduate Student
University of Ibadan
Associate Professor
University of Ibadan
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