Revival of historical and architectural heritage as a way to develop a post-Soviet industrial town

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Berezniki was built in 1932-33 for the extraction and processing of minerals: potash and magnesium salts, oil, titanium alloys. In recent decades, the town has been experiencing a man-made disaster. Sinkholes of 200-400 m wide and 50 m deep began to appear on its territory, so a decision has been made to move the town to the other bank of the Kama river, where the historical town Usolye is situated. Being aware of the growing problems of the post-Soviet industrial provincial town, in search of new ways of development, the Administration turned to the historical heritage of this town, which came under the administrative control of Berezniki in 2019. Usolye appeared in the era of industrial development in the 17th century, experienced a period of prosperity in the 18-19 centuries. During the construction of the Kama hydroelectric station in 1954, the historical part of Usolye was flooded and the town turned into a village where most of the population works for the enterprises of Berezniki. Despite the cataclysms of the 20th century, about 40 architectural monuments have been preserved in Usolye. Since 2000, the restoration of some of the monuments has begun. Today they form the basis of the Museum reserve "Usolye Stroganovskoe". The Museum is functioning, but it is premature to talk about its contribution to the town's economy. However, this area has a great tourist potential due to its natural uniqueness – location on the islands - and the presence of architecture in the Stroganov’s Baroque style. In order to give an impetus to the development of the tourism industry, to make it a center of attraction for residents of the Perm region, the Administration has reconsidered the significance of Usolye’s architectural heritage. The integration of the historical and cultural component into the city's economy began with the preparation of a Master –plan. The purpose of the Master plan is the creation of a long-term, flexible spatial territory models taking into account local conditions, traditions and providing its sustainable incremental development. The main museum’s problem is its low attendance, so the development is associated with the formation of accessibility of the territory, a variety of landscape and recreational functions that generate interest for residents of Usolye, Berezniki and nearby settlements. Based on urban planning research, strategic tasks and tools for their solution are formulated in several directions: spatial organization, socio-cultural content; renovation of cultural heritage, ets. The development of the territory takes place in 3 consecutive stages of 5, 10, 15 years, each of which, depending on objective circumstances and institutional variability, can be considered as a separate completed scenario with a certain stability of the life cycle. A new planning structure allows to "increase the Museum's mass" and has sufficient flexibility, as it can be adjusted at each stage depending on the completed tasks, budget opportunities and other objective/subjective factors. Investment platforms allow to integrate various functions into the activities of the Museum-reserve in order to generate revenue sources at each stage, depending on current needs. The total cost of implementing the Master plan is 900 million rubles. In 2019, Berezniki became one of the pilot sites of the "Smart city" project, which will be implemented until 2024 within the framework of the two national projects – "Digital economy" and "Housing and urban environment". These programs are a good chance for the town to create a modern-level historical and architectural reserve in Usolye and make a huge step forward in the field of reviving Russian historical and cultural heritage and developing tourism for Perm region as a whole.
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5: Focusing on Heritage and Smart Culture
professor , sc.
Perm National Reserch politechnik university
Perm National Reserch Politechnic University
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