Quantitative Analysis on the Topological Structures of Urban Street Networks

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Topological structures are the backbone of urban street. In the global development in urbanization and economy, street systems have developed significantly with the city expansion. In this paper, the authors select nine street samples in Dalian with varying locations, patterns, and growth mechanisms. Firstly, a research framework based on complex network theory is proposed for planar representation of street networks topological structures. Then, by combining axial analysis of space syntax with graphs analysis of route structure, this study calculate measuring parameters of the nine street samples, including integration, intelligence, regularity, recursiveness, and heterogeneity. Finally, the performance advantages of the proposed research method in quantitative analysis on topological structures of street networks are verified through comparative analysis of characteristics relations with urban growth mechanisms.
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3: Planning for Urban Connectivity
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Dalian University of Technology
Dalian University of Technology
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