Forums and Special Sessions Virtual Room 1
Jan 12, 2021 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210112T1600 20210112T1730 Europe/Amsterdam Education Forum: Bridging theory and practice in planning education

This joint Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) Special Session is aimed at bringing together planning practitioners and educators and stimulate the discussion on issues associated with: - Future of planning education – coming from planning practice and its needs; - Future on planning practice – as perceived by academia members acting in the area of planning. This should allow focusing on innovative models of cooperation between academia and practice. Within this session at least three types of activities will be covered: - Presentations by representatives of both academia and practice regarding future of planning education and planning practice; - Presentations of the best practices of planning education – developed in participation with professional planners; - Panel discussion on key challenges to planning education coming from changing practice. 



Piotr Lorens, ISOCARP

Maros Finka, AESOP

16:00 – 16:05


Piotr Lorens, ISOCARP

Maros, Finka, AESOP

16:05 – 16:20

Key Challenges for the Planning Practice

Zeynep Enlil, Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN)

16:20 – 17:00

Short Interventions: Reflections on Global Challenges in Planning ...

Virtual Room 1 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress
11 attendees saved this session

This joint Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) Special Session is aimed at bringing together planning practitioners and educators and stimulate the discussion on issues associated with: - Future of planning education – coming from planning practice and its needs; - Future on planning practice – as perceived by academia members acting in the area of planning. This should allow focusing on innovative models of cooperation between academia and practice. Within this session at least three types of activities will be covered: - Presentations by representatives of both academia and practice regarding future of planning education and planning practice; - Presentations of the best practices of planning education – developed in participation with professional planners; - Panel discussion on key challenges to planning education coming from changing practice. 



Piotr Lorens, ISOCARP

Maros Finka, AESOP

16:00 – 16:05


Piotr Lorens, ISOCARP

Maros, Finka, AESOP

16:05 – 16:20

Key Challenges for the Planning Practice

Zeynep Enlil, Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN)

16:20 – 17:00

Short Interventions: Reflections on Global Challenges in Planning Education


Bruce Stiftel, Georgia Institute of Technology

Eduardo Alberto Cusce Nobre, Chairman, GPEAN/ANPUR (National Association of Postgraduate and Research in Urban and Regional Planning)

Paulo Silva, Assistant Professor, representing AESOP/GPEAN

Liu Jian, Tsinghua University School of Architecture

Khalid El Adli, Professor of Urban Planning and Design & Director of International Programs, FURP- Cairo University

Fedor Kudryavtsev, Associate professor of Town Planning Department, Moscow Institute of Architecture 

Slawomir Ledwon, Qatari Ministry of Municipality and Environment

17:00 – 17:20

Open Discussion with Speakers and the Audience


Piotr Lorens, ISOCARP

Maros Finka, AESOP

17:20 – 17:25

Summary of the Discussion

Izabela Mironowicz, Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Gdansk University of Technology

17:25 – 17:30

Closing Remarks

Piotr Lorens

Maros Finka

EDUCATION FORUM: Bridging theory and practice in planning education View Abstract
Session ProposalSpecial Sessions / Side Events 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/01/12 15:00:00 UTC - 2021/01/12 16:30:00 UTC
ISOCARP used to organize the special sessions on planning education. These were started by Prof. David C. Prosperi, and the first session of this type took place during the ISOCARP Congress in Perm, Russia (2012). In addition to already well established Young Planning Professionals’ Program (YPP) as well as other initiatives (like Mentor-and-Student Research Labs), the Education Forums have become a venue for both members of academia and planning professionals to exchange ideas on the future on planning education. Partnership with AESOP ISOCARP has a long record of partnership with AESOP. Within recent decades a number of joint activities were organized, like i.e. joint EXCO meetings (Istanbul, Turkey, 2010), special ISOCARP sessions during the AESOP congresses (i.e. “Bridging Theory and Practice” session in Utrecht, The Netherlands) and participation of the ISOCARP EXCO members in GPEAN and AESOP Meetings (Recife, Brazil, 2011). Since then it was a good practice to invite the representatives of partner organization to the annual congresses and provide venue for networking and developing new cooperation ideas. This was also supported by the fact that many of the ISOCARP individual members are at the same time teaching at AESOP-affiliated planning schools. At the same time both associations have complementary character – AESOP gathers predominantly planning schools represented by researchers, while ISOCARP is the association of predominantly planning practitioners. Proposed joint special session EDUCATION FORUM – rationale and structure The proposed joint AESOP-ISOCARP Special Session EDUCATION FORUM is aimed at bringing together planning practitioners and educators and stimulate the discussion on issues associated with: - Future of planning education – coming from planning practice and its needs; - Future on planning practice – as perceived by academia members acting in the area of planning. This should allow focusing on innovative models of cooperation between academia and practice. Session name: Bridging theory and practice in planning education (working title). Within this session at least three types of activities should be covered / developed: - Presentations by representatives of both academia and practice (specific names to be discussed) – regarding future of planning education and planning practice; - Presentations of the best practices of planning education – developed in participation with professional planners; - Panel discussion on key challenges to planning education coming from changing practice. Key presenters and panelists should be named jointly by AESOP and ISOCARP, although the best practices could be presented on the basis of the submitted proposals.
Presenters Piotr Lorens
Professor, Head Of The Department, Gdansk University Of Technology
Maros Finka
InComing AESOP President, AESOP
Full Professor
Yildiz Technical University
Congress Director / Senior Urban Planner
Ministry of Municipality and Environment
InComing AESOP President
Professor, Head of the Department
Gdansk University of Technology
Professor Emeritus
Georgia Institute of Technology
Prof Piotr Lorens
Professor, Head of the Department
Gdansk University of Technology
Prof Maros Finka
InComing AESOP President
Mr Mukhlis Silmi Kaffah
Bandung Institute of Technology
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