Dec 10, 2020 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20201210T133020201210T1500Europe/AmsterdamTrack 3 | Special Session: East-West Urban Mobility Dialogue - How post-2020 Cities will Respond to the Current Urban Mobility Revolution
Chairs/Moderators:Alex Antonov and Serin Geambazu, Track 3 Congress Team Members13:30-13:35Session Introduction and presentation of speakers Alex Antonov & Serin Geambazu, Track 3 Congress Team Members13:35-13:50
How Sustainable Urban Mobility, Public Space and Architectural Heritage Can Lead to a Healthier Urban Environment in Xi'AnPr Li Qi, Director of Xi'an Urban Planning and Design Institute
The MaaS Responsive City: How the New Transport Revolution Can Contribute to a Better Urban EnvironmentSebastien Goethals, Director of Citilinks, ISOCARP CoP Urban Mobility
14:10-14:20Carlos Holguin, President and co-founder of SuburVAN, Autonomous Vehicle Mobility Expert, France14:20-14:30
Scott Shepard, Chief Marketing Officer, Executive Board Member of IOMOB
Virtual Room 2
56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual
Alex Antonov and Serin Geambazu, Track 3 Congress Team Members
Session Introduction and presentation of speakers Alex Antonov & Serin Geambazu, Track 3 Congress Team Members
How Sustainable Urban Mobility, Public Space and Architectural Heritage Can Lead to a Healthier Urban Environment in Xi'An Pr Li Qi, Director of Xi'an Urban Planning and Design Institute
The MaaS Responsive City: How the New Transport Revolution Can Contribute to a Better Urban Environment Sebastien Goethals, Director of Citilinks, ISOCARP CoP Urban Mobility
Carlos Holguin, President and co-founder of SuburVAN, Autonomous Vehicle Mobility Expert, France
Scott Shepard, Chief Marketing Officer, Executive Board Member of IOMOB
The MaaS Responsive City: How the New Transport Revolution Can Contribute to a Better Urban EnvironmentView Abstract Session Proposal3: Planning for Urban Connectivity01:30 PM - 03:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/12/10 12:30:00 UTC - 2020/12/10 14:00:00 UTC
While connectivity, decarbonisation, automation and the sharing economy are shaping the current transport revolution, the multiplication of mobility services at a fast pace through digital platforms is quickly impacting our commuting habits. As MaaS and transport technologies are rapidly evolving towards digital integration of multimodal fleets and journeys, policy makers and urban planners can feel overwhelmed about how to best integrate these changes and define the policies that will channel them to evolve towards a more sustainable mobility. These transition issues take a new dimension with the COVID-19 outbreak. The session will explore how the next phase of – digital and spatial – intermodality (MaaS/Public/Private Transport) can play a key role in the synergy between urban transport policies, innovative planning, mobility services and the implementation of automated vehicles. The first intervention (Sebastien Goethals, Cititilinks) will illustrate how “intermodality 2.0”, integrating new mobility services, public transport and walkability can lead to better transport policies and street design. From digitized and integrated parking management to ‘Space-as-a-Service’ oriented transport hubs, it will illustrate a potential future for more liveable streets. The second intervention (Scott Shepard, Iomob Technology Services) will explore the digital dimension of intermodality, going through a massive disruption, including seamless travel, digital ticketing and deep integration. It will illustrate the evolutions of the MaaS ecosystem in the near future and their evolution on urban mobility as a whole. The third intervention (Carlos Holguin, AutoKab) will explain how to assess the impacts of different types of automated road transport services in different urban contexts, to help city officials build, assess and prioritize their AV planning actions. The objectives of this session are to: • Understand the next phase of MaaS development and integration as a challenge and opportunity for rethinking cities and street design in a post-COVID19 period • Identify how cities, decision-makers, planners and designers can anticipate the new transport revolution (connectivity, decarbonisation, automation, sharing) • Understand how digitized intermodality targeting all modes will transform the ecosystem of urban mobility • Understand the potential impacts of automated road vehicles in different urban and mobility contexts
How Sustainable Urban Mobility, Public Space and Architectural Heritage Can Lead to a Healthier Urban Environment in Xi’AnView Abstract Session Proposal3: Planning for Urban Connectivity01:30 PM - 03:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/12/10 12:30:00 UTC - 2020/12/10 14:00:00 UTC
Xi'An is one of the largest cities of China today and the former capital – Chang’An – of one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. It has a long history of 6,000 years and a rich cultural heritage, as it was once the capital of 13 dynasties in ancient China and the first city in History to have reached more than one million people. Today,Xi'an has emerged as a modern metropolis, at the heart of Shaanxi Province, and is one of the 9 most important and largest cities of the country. Rapid demographic growth and economic development have made traffic congestion one of the main obstacles of the quality of life in Xi’An, affecting its 12 million citizens. However, the unique historical and architectural heritage of Xi’An provides to the city a strong identity in China and is a major resource in modern urbanism as public spaces, parks, neighborhoods, major roads and transport systems can benefit from the city’s History. This session aims to explore the links to be made between sustainable urban mobility and transport, a unique historical heritage, modern public spaces and a better livability for Xi’An population. How can the quality of a transport system form a winning synergy with the protection of historical and cultural heritage? The question is a major topic of interest for the local authorities of the Municipality of Xi'an. Three original causes of traffic congestion have been identified in Xi'an: The rapid urbanization and motorization conflicts with the slow growth of the public transport network development, comparatively with the size of the city. The rapid spatial growth of Xi’An influences the expansion of the transport networks and the constant increase of commuting distances. The landscape of the city and new discoveries of ruins related to Xi’An History are restricting the development of the transportation network, creating therefore multiple bottleneck areas and related congestion. Mr LI Qi (director of Xi’An Urban Planning & Design Institute) and Mr ZHU Kai (transport planning expert, Xi’An Urban Planning & Design Institute) will introduce the related challenges identified in Xi’An and their four strategies to improve urban mobility in a more sustainable way: Encourage a greener and healthier mobility Optimize the road network for a better use Manage car traffic demand with appropriate parking policies Innovate in intelligent traffic management methods They will illustrate those strategies with specific case studies in Xi’An linking public space, mobility and heritage conservation. Sebastien Goethals (director of Citilinks) will then introduce a few perspectives on how healthy urban mobility can be achieved at the city level and at the street level. He will illustrate how urban environment and street design can be enhanced for more walkability and connectivity between multiple transport modes: public transport, walking, cycling, car-sharing, ride-hailing. The potential impacts of the current transition of the transport sector (decarbonation, digitization, sharing, automation) will be illustrated with international references. He will demonstrate then how smart intermodality and parking management can be approached to increase the space dedicated to pedestrians (and healthy human activity in general) and how it impacts public space design. The three experts will then present a practical case of space transformation proposal in Xi’An, as a synergy between smart and healthy urban mobility, livable public space and the preservation and celebration of a unique historical heritage