The COVID-19 pandemic on top of other economic, social, environmental and political crisis in 2020 has demonstrated the fragility of our urbanised world. In this situation, urban policy is called to reform urban planning and to better link it with other national and local policies. This is necessary to implement National Urban Policies (NUP) and the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP) in support of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda. Aiming at high quality input and an inspiring discussion, ISOCARP invited speakers and discussants from UN-Habitat, OECD, UCLG and TU Delft.
Chair/Moderator: Ulrich Graute, ISOCARP Scientific Committee Frank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General
IntroductionUlrich Graute, ISOCARP Scientific CommitteeFrank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General Part I: Presentations 13:30 - 13:40Presentation 1: Why are national urban policies and integrated urban and territorial planning key facilitators supporting the achievement of SDG and NUA?Ulrich Graute, International Consultant for Sustainable Governance and Management 13:40 - 13:50Presentation 2: Global state of NUP and the National Urban Policy ProgrammeKibong Lee, UN-Habitat Policy, Legislation and Governance Section13:50 - 14:00Presentation 3: Implementation of the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP)Laura Petrella, Chief, Planning, Finance and Economy Section, UN-Habitat 14:00 - 14:15Discussion and Q&ADiscussants: Tadashi Matsumoto, OECDSara Höflichm UCLG Part II: Presentations14:15 - 14:25Presentation 4: Reforming planning systems - the linking pin between NUP and IGUTPFrank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General14:25 - 14:35Presentation 5: ESPON COMPASS - Comparative Analysis ... Virtual Room 1 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress congress@isocarp.orgThe COVID-19 pandemic on top of other economic, social, environmental and political crisis in 2020 has demonstrated the fragility of our urbanised world. In this situation, urban policy is called to reform urban planning and to better link it with other national and local policies. This is necessary to implement National Urban Policies (NUP) and the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP) in support of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda. Aiming at high quality input and an inspiring discussion, ISOCARP invited speakers and discussants from UN-Habitat, OECD, UCLG and TU Delft.
Chair/Moderator: Ulrich Graute, ISOCARP Scientific Committee
Frank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General
Introduction Ulrich Graute, ISOCARP Scientific Committee Frank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General | |
Part I: Presentations | |
13:30 - 13:40 | Presentation 1: Why are national urban policies and integrated urban and territorial planning key facilitators supporting the achievement of SDG and NUA? Ulrich Graute, International Consultant for Sustainable Governance and Management |
13:40 - 13:50 | Presentation 2: Global state of NUP and the National Urban Policy Programme Kibong Lee, UN-Habitat Policy, Legislation and Governance Section |
13:50 - 14:00 | Presentation 3: Implementation of the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP) Laura Petrella, Chief, Planning, Finance and Economy Section, UN-Habitat |
14:00 - 14:15 | Discussion and Q&A Discussants: Tadashi Matsumoto, OECD Sara Höflichm UCLG |
Part II: Presentations | |
14:15 - 14:25 | Presentation 4: Reforming planning systems - the linking pin between NUP and IGUTP Frank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General |
14:25 - 14:35 | Presentation 5: ESPON COMPASS - Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe (Applied Research 2016-2018 - Final Report) Vincent Nadin, TU Delft |
14:35 - 14:45 | Presentation 6: NUP - The perspective of infrastructure and economic policy Marco Kamiya, UN-Habitat Knowledge & Innovation Branch |
14:45 - 15:00 | Part III: Roundtable - The future of an NUP and IGUTP inspired Urban Policy to implement NUA and Agenda 2030 Moderator: Frank D'hondt and Ulrich Gaute Discussants: All speakers and input from the audience (Q&A) |