The session is divided into two parts where the first one concentrates on the discussion on different dimensions and approaches to circular economy by reviewing models of the current urban economy introduced by cities across the world. It focuses on current trends and examines the applicability of circularity in the post-oil urbanism. It opens a discussion on smart sustainable urban model for improving cities resilience aiming to define recommendations for policy makers.
The second part brings papers evaluating current policies and recommendations of practical nature to guide local economic investments. It focuses on their implications for planning solutions aiming to shape compact urban structures. As the cities today need economic diversity to diminish development disproportions the session aims to define future urban concepts to be more restorative and sustainable. Green economy needs are applied to create holistic and knowledge-based models, which further enhance the implementation of eco-town concepts. Our speakers will bring regional, metropolitan, and local perspectives to discuss the integration of urban processes, communication techniques, and technology for strengthening urban resilience, engaging societies, and developing smart urban data management techniques to allow the circular economy based approach.
Virtual Room 256th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual
The session is divided into two parts where the first one concentrates on the discussion on different dimensions and approaches to circular economy by reviewing models of the current urban economy introduced by cities across the world. It focuses on current trends and examines the applicability of circularity in the post-oil urbanism. It opens a discussion on smart sustainable urban model for improving cities resilience aiming to define recommendations for policy makers.
The second part brings papers evaluating current policies and recommendations of practical nature to guide local economic investments. It focuses on their implications for planning solutions aiming to shape compact urban structures. As the cities today need economic diversity to diminish development disproportions the session aims to define future urban concepts to be more restorative and sustainable. Green economy needs are applied to create holistic and knowledge-based models, which further enhance the implementation of eco-town concepts. Our speakers will bring regional, metropolitan, and local perspectives to discuss the integration of urban processes, communication techniques, and technology for strengthening urban resilience, engaging societies, and developing smart urban data management techniques to allow the circular economy based approach.
Russian urban policy against the laws of dialectics: Do quantitative changes lead to qualitative leap?View Abstract Case Study Report2: Ensuring the Economic Diversity and Resilience04:00 PM - 05:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/12/09 15:00:00 UTC - 2020/12/09 16:30:00 UTC
Currently most Russian cities are on the edge of reinventing the policy of long-term strategic and spatial planning. Instead of specific to an oil-based economy top-down approach new practice of stakeholders' involvement in the process of planning become an important contribution to the future development of the city. The National Projects as a new Federal development paradigm outlined by President Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly at the beginning of this year mark a new beginning in Russia’s economic policy. National Projects creates the framework for long term urban planning in modern Russia by introducing quantitative indicators for line ministries. However, redevelopment of all public services measured in sq.m. remained the key indicator for the evaluation of the quality of the urban environment. Do quantitative changes always lead to a qualitative leap? Nowadays, there are a lot of challenges that local city Administrations meet in their desire to implement social and economic plans to the spatial opportunities. In support of these initiatives The Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation found The All-Russian Competition for the best projects for comfortable urban environment in small towns and historic settlements in 2018. Since then more than 240 cities received a direct federal subsidy for the implementation of their project. Initially, the requirements for application were focused on redevelopment of public spaces, inherited from the Soviet past, such as parks and squares. Gradually, the level of applications has improved and currently represents a detailed master-plan for the priority territory and includes commercial and budget investment to the public infrastructure, housing project, social and cultural projects. The major reason for scaling up projects is organizations recommendation to establish more linkages within The National Projects among their key components. One of the most successful Russian regions that took the 1st place in The All-Russian Competition is Republic Bashkiria. Bashkiria takes 5th place by population among Russian subjects (except Moscow and Moscow region) and the 1st place among regions with an oil-based economy. During the last 3 years The Government of Bashkiria is introducing the complex approach to the reloading of its 21 cities. To provide the regional levels of governance NPO Institute for Urban Development of the Republic Bashkiria was established, the body obeys directly to the Head of the Region. Institute is responsible for the coordination of priority projects in terms of communication between key stakeholders and citizens, municipalities, regional and federal level of line ministries. One of the winner project was developed in 2019 for Yanaul, Bashkir town with 23,000 population and weak but diverse economy due to the absence of oil companies on the territory. In 2019 the master-plan for the city center was developed as the application for The All-Russian Competition. Wild range of participatory planning during the project development allowed to attract funds from public and private sectors that six times bigger than the annual city budget. So, one of the key public stakeholders - The Russian Railways, invests at the construction of a new pedestrian bridge and square around Railway Station. In parallel, private investors will construct the hotel and the market. Moreover, the master-plan becomes the basement for the local municipal programs of realization the National programs for the next 5 years. Thus, The All-Russian Competition creates the initiatives of implementation of the federal quantitative agenda of urban planning to the local level, while regional institutions interested in systematic spatial development, thereby ensuring a qualitative leap.
Presenters Olga Sarapulova Urban And Strategic Planner, NGO Institute For Urban Development Of Cities In Bashkortostan
Dzhemal Surmanidze The Ministry Of Construction Industry, Housing And Utilities Sector Of The Russian Federation
Measuring urban metrics for the quality of life in small towns – the case of Pomeranian Region in PolandView Abstract Research Paper2: Ensuring the Economic Diversity and Resilience04:00 PM - 05:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/12/09 15:00:00 UTC - 2020/12/09 16:30:00 UTC
Urban planners call for real-time spatial monitoring as a tool allowing responding effectively to negative changes driving chaotic development and urban sprawling. Urban challenges are still recognised on the bases of analysis done with the use of urban classicists’ theories, while at the same time the meaning of urban data increases. Rapidly growing data appearance as well as structuring official databases and improved urban data management allows faster and more precisely define current urban issues. What is more important, such approach gives an opportunity of real-time monitoring of city spaces and the needs of urban dwellers. As the possibility of data based planning decisions was recognised, there is a need to define tools which allows for more methodological approach for urban data analysis. To respond the increasing matter of urban data in the effective planning decisions, the paper was focused on searching the possibilities of bridging the gap between traditional methods for urban analysis and data driven design. For such data based research the theory of Jane Jacobs was chosen and tested on small towns of the Pomeranian region in Poland. The aims of the paper are: 1/ Proposing three steps model for the quantitative assessment based on Jane Jacobs theory on chosen small towns. 2/ Measuring urban metrics and to assess the quality of life in case study group. 3/ Testing measurable indicators proposed for Jane Jacobs theory on the case of Polish towns, as such group has a possibility for the implementation of solutions driving compact development. 4/ Measuring the correlation between quality of urban spaces and the quality of life. 5/ Formulating recommendations for diminishing regional development disproportions. The above mentioned model consists of phases such as: (1) assessment of quality of life based on related reports and statistical data, (2) measuring urban metrics responding Jacobs theory defined on the bases of Fowler (2001), Ewing et. al. (2013), Sung et. al. (2015), De Nadai et. al. (2016), (3) comparative study of results obtained in above mentioned stages. Methods which were used to achieve results are based on data mining and GIS tools allowing for defining indicators. Thanks to the use of with spatial statistics and spatial econometrics at the beginning and the regression and cluster analysis at the third phase, the answer for such defined aims was possible. The conclusions define urban metrics important for the quality of small town life, which also at the same time allow for the implementation of planning solutions aiming to shape compact urban structures. The paper emphasises the increasing disproportions in regional settlement network, which when left without any intervention can further led to negative development consequences.
Study on the evolution of rural land use function in developed areas of ChinaView Abstract Research Paper2: Ensuring the Economic Diversity and Resilience04:00 PM - 05:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/12/09 15:00:00 UTC - 2020/12/09 16:30:00 UTC
Under the background of "zero growth" of land use, there are many researches and explorations on the stock renewal of central urban areas in traditional planning. However, in recent years, the rural-led stock land use planning has attracted more and more attention with the development of land space planning. Village area is the basic unit of rural social and economic activities in China. The rational play of land use function in village area has important theoretical and practical significance for the realization of the multi-objective of rural revitalization under ecological civilization. Department of natural resources has issued the work pilot implementation of global land comprehensive improvement notice, rural red line "no increase of the aggregate land for construction purposes, ecological protection not breakthrough", so without any increase in construction land index on the basis of further promote rural land use composite function, is to solve the rural economy development and the important direction of rural land supply contradictions. This paper first makes a qualitative theoretical study on the compound mechanism of land use function in the village, and then takes four villages in jinxi town, kunshan city, suzhou as examples to elaborate the compound mechanism of land use function in the development process. The results show that: (1) land use function changes due to its type and land use mode, and is indirectly influenced by natural resource endowment, social and economic conditions, regional policies, etc., the compound trend of land use function in different types of villages is often different; The land use function of the four villages in jinxi town is as follows: the production function is transformed into the production-ecological composite function, and the living function is transformed into the production-life composite function. (3) summarize the planning of the basic ideas and function of the complex process, refine the agricultural land, unused land and construction land has the implementation of the functional complex strategy.
Dianhong Zhao Deputy Chief Planner, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning And Design Institute Co. LTD
Sustainable resources of Urban EconomyView Abstract Research Paper2: Ensuring the Economic Diversity and Resilience04:00 PM - 05:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/12/09 15:00:00 UTC - 2020/12/09 16:30:00 UTC
One of the main approaches to sustainable urbanization strategy is to find appropriate resources for promoting the quality of life via developing infrastructure and extending facilities and support urban life by facilitating public access to meet their needs. Generally, unsustainable lifestyle practices of urban societies in recent decades have resulted in environmental and wildlife challenges. Indicators confirm that many of these actions and often wrong planning have led to an unsustainable, current situation. The insatiable, consumption-based economy has created many complicated challenges in different, and complicated ways and these need the diagram analyzed accordingly using necessary criteria. Meanwhile looking from the urban window some of the main features of the malaise can be recognized and on the basis of that, we will be able to create a kind of global agenda for urban planning towards a fundamental and sustainable transformation. To realize this overarching agenda, the provision of sustainable and reachable resources is vital. Before starting this conversation we need to have a macro manifesto and philosophy about our dream, we need to define what kind of world we are looking for? The answer is political and will be shaped on the basis of our understanding and our responsibility to human life. Then we will search for available resources, from the other hand our view toward resources provide some specific angle to life. So the current lifestyle needs to be changed. To reach this point we need to change the dominant mindset. Another challenge is that current lifestyle ties with market and economy trends which highly depended on the current capitalist system and its approach to life in the world. So to change that foundation, the model of sustainable urbanism is needed so that we are able to analyze and discuss all aspects of the quality of life in this model to deeply understand the criteria of it. in another word, how can we redefine our economic and social systems so that they facilitate future growth while also protecting our environment and planet? Based on that we can approach a new urban economy on the basis of sustainable resources and a specific diagram and discipline will participate in it. To realize this idea a clear statement and belief is needed. We expect that the outcome may be under undue pressure of the global political and economic forces because the new model is looking for creating fundamental changes to the current trends and turning to the new paradigm and world development system. To reach this level of transformation this article will focus on the following aspects: 1- This article will review the top alternative models of the current urban economy. 2- It will Examine and analyze the interaction between understanding, recognizing the main challenges of important points between the concept of life at a macro perspective and the current state of economic circulation in cities and expressing clear key points 3- This article will be based on the city Prosperity Index of the United Nations and also on indexes of the quality of life in order to introduce a model of sustainable urban lifestyle, which will be introduced as a ‘dream’. As planners, we need to help cities promote self-reliance by redesigning the city in such a way that there will be a balance between external dependency and self-reliance 4- It will provide some example of top priorities on sustainable resources to active the goal 5- The article will review and create a general model of urban leadership based on sustainable resources of the urban economy. Keywords: urbanism indexes, urban economy, lifestyle, transformation, sustainable resources, sustainable model
Rethinking the dimensions and approach of Circular Economy from the perspective of developing countriesView Abstract Research Paper2: Ensuring the Economic Diversity and Resilience04:00 PM - 05:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/12/09 15:00:00 UTC - 2020/12/09 16:30:00 UTC
Abstract: Developing Nations represents over 60 percentage of Globe. Economic growth of these nations linearly depends on combinations of market externalities, technological progress and gross value addition. Most of these nations were mere supplier of raw materials in the industrial era and still 70% of Nation’s population is dependent on primary sector for livelihood. This new wave of development, Circular Economy is said to create a value addition and trigger the prosperity of these nations by looping the production and supply chain mechanism. Research estimates that up to 85 per cent of opportunities to improve resource productivity lie in developing countries because of existing stage of economic growth. The portrayed illustrations of circular economy will manifest variant in developing nations. This paper focus on examining the applicability of circular economy, its dimensions and approaches for developing nations. The scale of applicability, market externalities, the bygone pillar of social dimension in sustainability etc, were discussed to provide a significant way forward for the concept to be more restorative and sustainable in the context of developing nations. Keywords: Developing nations, Market externalities, Dimensions, Approach, Circular economy.
Presenters Sadhana Manthapuri Research Associate, National Institute Of Urban Management