Recent COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 entailed several lessons, which could be capitalized upon for any similar outbreak in the future for the best interest of coming generations. Adhering to Dubai government preventive measures, Dubai Silicon Oasis has implemented distant working for 95% of its staff. Community-wide disinfection was also adopted to minimize health and safety hazards. Most importantly, lots of opportunities have been introduced during the disinfection period such as online social and education program. Consequently, the combination of those measures by Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority may be considered in the future for implementing a transit-oriented development which comply with SDG 11 in order to investigate opportunities of inclusiveness, safety, resilience and sustainable of cities and settlements. This research employs comprehensive sustainable urban design strategies through applying sustainability pillars: Environmental, social, and economical. Being life network of cities’ connectivity, livability, business, entertainment, social hub and urban economies, streets are key element in shaping cities. Nowadays, unsustainable design of urban transportation and land use is well flagged. However, toward more sustainable communities’ perception is less noticeable due to many reasons such as the complexities of political structures and the decentralized existence of decision-making in most metropolitan areas. The paper analyzes sustainable mobility aspects of a neighborhood in Dubai. Data is obtained from Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority through field observation, site analysis, visual analysis and interviews with the decision makers. The study investigates the site’s potential, limitations, characteristics, land use, transportation status, livability, and Dubai culture, in order to optimize and develop design criteria meeting sustainable neighborhood mobility’s requirements. In doing so, LEED-ND rating system is measured against DSO neighborhood as to achieving sustainability aspects. While sustainable neighborhood development checklist includes various criteria, the subject case is assessed via specific credits related to integrated land use – transportation system including: Smart Location and Linkage, Neighborhood Pattern and Design, Green Infrastructure and Buildings. To permit this, a proposed design guidelines of integrated land use – transportation development is assessed based on the evaluation criteria, against which, the subject case was analyzed. This include the following: walkability, connectivity, accessibility, sustainable pavement material, cycling network & parking, integrated land use transportation planning, energy efficient public transit and street lighting. This study focuses on reviewing land use and transportation provisions and transport strategies of an existing site to identify integrated land-use transport planning strategies for mega-development comprising all essential centers such as residential, recreational, and employment centers: [1] Neighborhood evaluation through reviewing land use and transport provision of an existing area/development with minimum 50,000 daytime population (residents, workers and visitors), [2] Identifying strengths & weaknesses for existing situation concerning personal mobility and developing an integrated land use transport plan to address the identified problems and providing for existing and future level of travel demand, [3] Describe the steps that used in developing the integrated land use transport plan clearly detailing the process, approach and evaluation techniques used, [4] Propose strategies & recommendations to enhance the current situation. Following LEED, a variety of facilities are included, as well as being smart, inclusive and green, assist transport systems to achieve greater efficiency to support economic development, affordability to enhance social equity, and mitigate transport emissions to improve environmental quality, thus achieving a sustainable transport system meeting community’s daily needs, maximizing sustainable urban design process compared to conventional one. The study yields several significant guidelines and design framework; most notable that walking and cycling is the most necessary mode of transport that keeps cities safe and livable, beside maximizing networks’ connectivity and performance.