An Integrated Development Strategy for New Transit Oriented Developments: Case of West Bay, Doha

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In the last few decades, Doha has experienced major transformation in infrastructure and its built form. Recently, the accomplishment of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) has been visible through Doha Metro Rail network becoming functional, which moved this city – state towards modern innovations. It has been confirmed by the researchers that TODs is a key step towards feasible development of urbanism which in effect improves the living conditions through better transportation and land techniques frameworks. Doha has experienced some major changes in terms of economic growth due to booming oil and gas industry, which led to create an environment which lacks holistic planning. This metropolis is characterized by higher population growth, rapid urbanization and fast infrastructure development, mostly in favor of changing land uses to accommodate the moving – in population. This, in return created unplanned neighborhoods, lack of connectivity between various public spaces, sprawling conditions and high dependence on private automobiles. The objective of this study is to assess the extent to which West Bay, the Central Business District of Doha, will be affect by incorporating public transit system. The methodology aims to investigate the current challenges faced by West Bay after insertion of 2 major metro stations. The date collection and analysis follow visual, oral and quantitative approaches. The findings reveal the attributes where West Bay lack to become a successful transit oriented development. Thus, the study suggests strategies and parameters to be considered to improve efficiency of the existing master plan. Also, the outcomes provide a guideline for the TOD model design and application in other areas of Doha to boost the livability. Key Words: West Bay, urban connectivity, integrated planning, urban design strategies.
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3: Planning for Urban Connectivity
Qatar University
Research Assistant
Qatar University
Qatar University
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