The transport sector is one of the crucial sectors which is going to get impacted post-COVID-19. The lack of demand is not just the issue that is going to emerge but also several behavioral changes are tend to occur due to the spread of the disease which may lead to loss of ridership in public transport and increase in usage of private vehicles. The travel patterns and needs are going to change as the services are delivered at the doorstep so as to avoid transmission of the disease. Also, the trends may change from office-based work to working from home as numerous organizations are giving freedom of it. The pandemics have gendered impacts that affect women disproportionately. The workforce participation of Women is less in the developing world such as India and the needs of them are not taken care of. Women in Indian cities are affected the most due to family responsibilities, safety, physical abuse, mental assault, etc as most of them belong to low-income groups. This can be evident from the fact that 94% of the total women workforce is engaged in the informal economy in India. Even after going through all of it, special attention is not given to them. Additionally, stress and anxiety due to such pandemic make their conditions more vulnerable. The way women move is readily different than the males as there are several factors that are responsible for the trip generation of women. The paper draws attention to the pandemic impact on urban mobility of women in various cities of India while assessing their travel behavior, needs and patterns, evaluating current scenario of Indian cities in terms of transport infrastructure, recognizes the institutional vacuum and recommends prompt consideration for enhancing their urban mobility post-pandemic for women while considering comprehensive approach.