Creating sustainable urban revenue from special tourism routes with a combination of GIS, process (AHP) and e-tourism feedback

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Today, creating sustainable urban revenues from tourism and creating special urban tourism routes requires the use of new communication technologies and urban information systems. The research results show that the appropriate model of urban tourism to determine the specific routes of tourism should in the first place have a systematic approach to all elements involved in the issue and take into account the interest of tourism enthusiasts in attracting tourist destinations. In this regard, by using e-tourism e-tourism feedback, we can find out the level of interest of tourism enthusiasts according to the number of users' visits to the contents of web pages and express the desire to visit any of the existing urban attractions. Then, using the hierarchical analysis process (AHP) to determine the appropriate locations in order to prioritize and determine the location of the locations in relation to the location of special urban tourism routes when deciding with multiple competitor options and multiple decision criteria He used it. In the next step, using the GIS geographic information system by considering the decision criteria, it helped to identify the appropriate tourist places and locations by designing and creating special urban tourism routes, the results of which will be effective in creating sustainable urban revenues.
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2: Ensuring the Economic Diversity and Resilience
Tehran Municipality Bus Company
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