The formation of urban thermal islands is one of the environmental problems in cities specially for cities located in hot areas. Many of the urban areas in these hot lands, which were previously covered with bright color soil, have taken on dark colors due to the development of cities. Accordingly, the reflection of sunlight in them is reduced and they experience a temperature higher than their previous temperatures within days and nights. This has had a devastating effect on the urban environment, and in addition to facilitating the production of some pollutants, it has significantly increased the cost of ventilating buildings in the city. One of the most important surfaces in the city is the pavement of streets and urban walkways, which have a significant share of the city's area. There are several methods to reduce the amount of sunlight absorbed by these pavements. In this article, it is tried to reduce the heat generation in hot cities by examining different methods, which include the use of colored aggregates, the use of colored chip seals or slurry seals, the use of colored bitumen, pulling up the color of aggregates by shot-blasts and etc. Evaluation of methods in Tehran shows that despite the good effectiveness of various measures, each has advantages and disadvantages based on which to choose and use the method. But the shot-blast has the lowest price in an urban area.