Kazan transportation planning bureau in the town planning decision making process

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As part of the Urban planning and architecture department of Kazan city municipality the new bureau has been established. The new transportation planning bureau is one of the core department in the city planning complex. Among the tasks of the department are: - city strategic transport planning policies; - comprehensive research, evaluation and proposals for the development of the road network; - bicycle infrastructure development and pedestrian areas improvement; - improving the quality and level of transport in the city. - monitoring and support of computer simulation transportation macro-model of the city; - creation of a transportation city master plan improving road safety with the motorization level refraining. Besides, bureau is working on design and analysis of the whole complex of transport system. Creating, modeling and analysis of modelling results are part of the decision making process regarding the new development. In case the new development cause traffic deterioration the new development should be reduced or new transport infrastructure should be proposed and valuated. Among the main projects, the specialists completed the following projects: 1. Kazan infrastructure bicycle development project 2. The project of reconstruction of the transport hub "Koltso" 3. Transportation simulation of Decabristov St for the new pedestrian boulevard for the 2018 World Cup 4. Proposal of a traffic management scheme for the linear park on the Absalyamova St.
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3: Planning for Urban Connectivity
Deputy chief architect
Kazan city municipality
202 visits