Mohammadreza Javadi Yeganeh, Bahareh Arvin, Majid Farahani, Zoheir Sabbaghpour, Abdolah Ekramian Today, cities are the most important place for human and ecological gathering of the majority of human society. That is why in recent decades, scientists and experts in various fields have been trying to identify the characteristics of such an environment and provide a picture of its ideal conditions and features. One of the most important features mentioned for an ideal city is resilience. This concept has many dimensions, including economic, infrastructural, institutional and social resilience. Now we are going to examine the situation of the city of Tehran in the face of the coronavirus in terms of social resilience. Tehran was one of the major metropolises in the world, which was exposed to the corona virus in mid-February 2017, and this affected many components of urban life in Tehran. This effect sometimes led to minor changes and sometimes to the elimination or production of a social process and sometimes major changes. A resilient community is able to respond to change or stress in the right way. More specifically, social resilience is characterized by three features that include the response of citizens in a city to unexpected events. These three aspects are: resistance, recovery, and creativity. A society with high resilience has the ability to display all the three features. (Karim Hosseinzadeh Dalir)(1) This means that, first of all, different social structures, whether formal or informal, have the ability to resist injuries and disasters. This feature prevents structural decay in the face of accidents and ultimately greatly reduces the amount of damage in this area and minimizes it. We call this feature social resistance. On the other hand, recovery as the second feature means that after understanding the damage caused by different social structures, they have the ability to recover their strength, treat the damaged structures at sufficient speed or build new structures with the same function or even with higher capacities. And finally, the creativity trait is extremely important for a resilient society. In dealing with accidents and social events, the resilient society not only pays attention to the historical behavioral patterns of similar societies in such situations, but also offers new and creative solutions according to the new social and cognitive sociological conditions and equations. The aim of this article is to investigate the situation of Tehran in terms of social resilience in dealing with coronavirus and new conditions to the three axes of resistance, recovery and creativity. (In this article, corona is not taken as a disease but as a social phenomenon with social implications). (1) Journal of Urban Design Studies & Urban Research; Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer 2019