Global trends in the transition to sustainable development and restoration of natural ecosystems, driven primarily by megacities, as well as decentralization reform, Ukraine's sustainable development strategy 2030, changes in the law on the capital of Ukraine led to the creation of this concept of urban reform of Kyiv. In some way this work was influenced by Saskia Sassen's research and Pedro Ortiz's metropolis planning Metro-Matrix theory. This concept calls for the transformation of the ineffective management system of the Kyiv City State Administration of 10 post-Soviet districts of Kyiv into a three-level balanced top-down and bottom-up city management system: metropolis - districts - communities. The biggest challenges of the existing system of the urban political system are the inflexible system of urban policy with no participation, insufficient level of strategic planning that does not keep pace with economic development, constant reduction and blocking of green areas, destruction of ecosystems, outdated urban management system with a chaotic set of powers. The metropolis and this concept play the role of a federation of districts of the city. The authorities of the metropolis take care of the development of transport, nature protection, and maintenance of green belts, security systems, health care, and life support of the city. The 24 districts formed based on historical and demographic criteria consist of about 250 communities of four types, each of which has its charter, community head, and advisory council. Urban communities are the basis of the urban fabric of the metropolis. Rural communities have a slightly different type of charter, which aims to preserve the authenticity of the area and nature, and limits high-rise construction and certain industries. Industrial communities are governed mainly by corporate councils and are envisaged as the main territory for urban transformation and development. Green communities - areas of cultural and natural landscape protection are directly managed by representatives of the Council of Parks and Heritage, designed to regenerate primitive natural ecosystems and preserve heritage, the charters of which allow construction only according to the Living Building Challenge standard. The districts consist of all four types of communities, so the 3 districts, which are mostly green areas, are governed by the Parks and Heritage Council. All green communities should receive the status of a natural national park. In the strategic direction of development Megapolis is engaged in comprehensive research, develops an integrated development strategy consisting of green belts, transport, and transport hubs of the city, developing this system together with the Council of the Kyiv agglomeration outside the metropolis connecting the suburbs. Districts develop integrated district strategies, and communities are responsible for the level of a detailed dynamic master plan. At the same time, communities are objects of the judiciary, police stations, urban planning areas of detailed planning, and polling stations. All levels of urban planning are interconnected in a single system database. The concept proposes the composition of the metropolis government with the Magistrate (departments and utilities), the Parks and Heritage Council, the Transport Council and the District Councils. The mayor has 2 vice-mayors of the Right and Left Banks. This concept aims at a new approach in the holistic development of cities and can be scaled in combination with the Metro-Matrix theory for other cities in the post-Soviet space.