Introduction Oil and the city in Iran are inextricably linked. In decades, injection of petrodollars in Iran's economic and decision-making system has accelerated the process of increasing metropolitan areas. This new form of urbanization, which was prevalent only in industrialized countries at the beginning of the twentieth century, became the dominant urbanization process around the world at the beginning of the third millennium. Along with the approach to modernization, the process of network development has accelerated the process of increasing metropolitan areas due to the power of single-product economy, and has added to the problems in these areas. The broadness and complexity of interactions in complexes consisting of habitat and activity centers, as well as the all-encompassing areas whose pulse beats with the metropolis in one area, has made imperative the management of the metropolitan area at a level beyond separated institutions and the municipalities. Although in parallel with the existing problems and threats in metropolitan areas, there is a lot of use of facilities and opportunities in these areas, the opportunities are mainly overshadowed by threats and makes continuation of metropolitan life difficult. The interconnection of metropolitan areas economies with the boom or bust caused by oil prices, has caused the economy based on the sale of density and sales in the city, bioavailability and quality of life in metropolitan areas to face many problems and therefore the way of management of metropolises is one of the most important challenges of the oil economy and will continue to be. It is because the governments of this region must be able to play a decent role in the new global environment, without the support of petrodollars and the power that comes from it, to stand sustainable and environmentally sustainable development for their people. Therefore, the issue of managing metropolitan areas and leading scenarios has received increasing attention and has raised various debates regarding the future prospects, which are accompanied by many fears and hopes. Today, due to the concentration of a large part of the country's economic capacity in metropolitan areas, a big portion of the population and production infrastructure and capital are also concentrated in metropolises, and population growth and migration have given them vast spatial dimensions. In a way, sometimes we are talking about the margins that have become important centers of residence and activity by turning villages into cities and land use changes and population attraction, so much so that their policy and management is even more important than the mother city, and the sustainable development of the metropolitan area is not possible regardless of the total area of environs and their income-cost system. The main purpose of this research is to write scenarios for developments in the management of Iran's metropolitan areas in the post-oil period. In this regard, while analyzing trends and identifying uncertainties, we will try to identify different scenarios with the aim of managing forward developments and helping to realize the future and provide optimal scenarios. This workshop is to examine the evolution of urban and urbanization developments in Iran in line with the emergence and penetration of petrodollars in the economic and urban planning and management system. We will try to draw the evolution of urbanization over the past few decades, and present a picture of the status quo and finally, scenarios for the future and the forthcoming strategies as experiences that can be useful for other metropolises.