The study area has changed with the course of time due to urbanization and has transformed into a mess of informalities. These informalities result in an unorganized and unmanaged filthy spaces, major junctions do not have special management of venders, encroachment of shops etc. which deteriorates the spatial quality of prescient. Streets have stacks of waste, sewage water around their homes (especially in JJ cluster) worsen after few drop of rain, mouldy smell creates unpleasant, unhealthy environment for people. Due to the vicinity to river Yamuna part of the site gets flooded almost every year. The aim of thesis is to improve the quality of life in the context of social and economic value system in Taimoor Nagar. The objective was to analyse health and sanitation, community vitality, occupation, ecology, transformation, living condition and transportation. These parameters were derived from various studies on quality of life and happy cities. The outcome of the analysis is mainly focused on sanitation management plan which caters the authorized and unauthorized areas, the solid waste management plan, and flood management plan to prevent yearly floods in the community, utilizing the existing natural drain and providing space for recreation, street vendors and public utilities.