The development of digital technologies leads to new ways of collecting, storing, and processing data about the architectural and urban environment. Modern tools, such as laser scanners of various types, unmanned aerial vehicles, for a short period of field work allow to collect a large amount of data. The accuracy of the data in the form of point clouds depends on the tool and the processing method. The development of a system of digital documents as a mechanism for the systematic collection, classification, and management of information is one of the priority tasks for the implementation of digital technologies for the purposes of landscape and any architectural studies. Consideration of the history and architecture of an individual building begins with its location on the region and settlement scale. There is a close connection of architecture with culture and historical events. Understanding the current state of the architectural monument helps to determine the causes of destruction, the general configuration, architectural features and details, as well as the significance of the object. To enable a consistent description of objects when considering morphology, it is proposed to take into account several scales or levels of details: regional, city scale, scale of the planning structure element, building scale, interior scale. The historical and architectural heritage of Usolye is an extensive list of objects of the XVII - early XX centuries. Due to the remoteness of the city from the regional center of the Perm Territory and the lack of funding for repairs, conservation, and monitoring, most architectural objects remain in unsatisfactory or destroyed condition. The rate of destruction is accelerating under the influence of time and environmental factors. Digitalization of the architectural and urban planning environment is one of the opportunities to capture, describe, and preserve the historical and architectural heritage for future generations. The applied task of digitalization of the architectural and urban planning environment for today is to provide information to specialists working with specific objects. To create the database structure, a system of levels of detail LOD was applied. Within the scope of the region, a classification of settlements has been developed. Within the scale of the settlement, the town-planning organization is described, based on archival data, aerial photography, landscape-visual analysis, and laser scanning. Within the scope of the building, the structure of the census cards of the Usolye heritage has been developed. The use of a particular level of detail affects on the visualization of data. The use of the certain scale determines the direction and technology of model development. It is possible to use geospatial data to describe the characteristics of a territory or the relationship of an object with a place, and CAD or BIM technologies must be used to understand and analyze architectural and design features. The digital presentation of the data extends the possibilities of the architectural heritage, translating it from a local value to a worldwide one. Integration of the accumulated three-dimensional models and metadata allows you to create a unified information storage system. Metadata presented using geographic information systems has great potential for cooperation with models obtained as a result of laser scanning and photogrammetry.