In employment sector, mostly labor class group or lower income people are discriminated by income or wages, honor or status, etc. Lacking of decency in employment is the main reason behind it which make people feel lowly, dishonored and degrades mental health. As like creating employment opportunities, it is important to achieve decency in employment sector and it is clearly stated by SDG-8. Decent work not only boost up the economic growth but also solves many socio-cultural issues. The aim of the project is to analyze the current employment situation of the study area and to provide decent work proposals based on international labor standard (ILO), available labor standard of Bangladesh and the available resources of the study area. Through some tools of PRA, like as ‘focus group discussion’, ‘mobility map’, ‘interview of key informant’,etc, and random household survey required information and data are collected and analyzed. The research output offers some effective and befitting motive towards decent work program which sets a base line for compatible contexts.