Augmentation of Livability for Transgender Community through inclusionary Public Spaces: An architectural study of Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

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Public spaces are the locus of activity and interaction in any urban area. Such spaces provide identity to cities, towns or neighborhoods and define the people and culture over there. Inclusiveness is one of the core aspects of livability and is directly associated with Public or Community Spaces. Large population and rapidly expanding urban areas have prompted the need of more inclusivity in public spaces to attain true liveable spaces. The aim of the paper is to discuss the livability of Transgender community at Public spaces in India. The study shows how this community was legally included as ‘Third Gender’ in country’s legislation yet lacks social acceptance and security. It shows the challenges and issues faced by them at public spaces. The community was studied on ethnographic basis to understand their culture, lifestyle and requirements etc. The findings have indicated towards a social stigma from people and insensitivity in designing of civic spaces. The larger objective of the study is also to provide recommendations on the design aspects and interventions in public places to educate common people to increase their inclusiveness towards the Transgender society, through an integrated approach in architecture. Active engagement of multiple communities is the key to socio-economic and socio-cultural growth. In response, communities have to collaborate on working and living environment and incorporates the no gender-limit adaptability for an augmented livability.
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6: Creating Healthy and Inclusive Urban Environment
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal
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