Study on Time and Space Characteristics and Environment Optimization of Outdoor Activities of Elderly in Community A case study based on Dezhou city,Shandong province,China

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The world's elderly population has soared since the 21st century. Data from China's national bureau of statistics shows that by the end of 2018, there were 249 million people aged 60 or above in China, accounting for 17.9 percent of the total population. By 2050, China's aging population will reach 487 million, accounting for 35.1% of the total population. By then, there will be 2.02 billion people over the age of 60 in the world. In the covid-19 epidemic in 2020, more than 30% of deaths worldwide will be among the elderly, with chronic underlying diseases prevalent. One of the important reasons for the formation of these diseases is the lack of outdoor exercise, and one of the key influencing factors is the fitness of activity environment. Therefore, it is of theoretical significance and practical value to spatial and temporal environment characteristics of outdoor activities of the elderly, analyze the influence mechanism of the activity environment on the activities of the elderly, and judge and optimize their agedness. In this study, city Dezhou of Shandong province, China, was selected as the research city, where the elderly population ratio was significant, the economic development was at an average level, and the community construction time was long. In this study, a questionnaire entitled environment and needs for outdoor activities of the elderly was compiled, including basic information of the elderly, spatial characteristics of activities, and environmental cognition of community activities, with a total of 30 questions. Data acquisition is conducted both online and offline. In the trial research stage, a total of 100 questionnaires were collected. The statistical results show that: the elderly generally pay attention to outdoor activities and their activities are generally with regularity; activity willingness is restricted by underlying diseases; the activity environment is under weak support; the reconstruction of the activity environment involves distance, facilities, health and epidemic prevention and space innovation. This study is ongoing, and will further summarize the time-space characteristics of activities of the elderly through a wider range of data, explore the time-space restriction mechanism of outdoor activities, and put forward targeted recommendations for the optimization of age-appropriate spatial environment. Key words: elderly; health; outdoor activities; spatial and temporal characteristics; environmental optimization
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7: Shaping Liveable Places
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Tianjin University of Commerce,China
Tianjin University of Commerce
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