Quality of life : livability in urban dimension.

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Jan gehl philosophy was -" Make Public Life the Driver for Urban Design". People make cities livable and we shape the cities and then city shapes us. Having said that, A city is considered livable because there is no set pattern of growth which has to be followed. The history of cities depicts that urban structure sway human behavior and ways in which cities work. It is the life between the buildings make the city livable. One of the strategies for sustainable urban development With an idea to work from grassroot level with a goal of participatory approach were communities are involved alongside stakeholders in the developmental projects of cities. A holistic and outlook of issues must be stressed upon. A proactive approach through working on national urban policies,forming of financial plan,promote digital technology interventions, engaging local communities and civil society ,Incorporation a robust resilience framework , to quote a few considerable strategies. The city is about people's lifestyle. It includes the way places work, including community space, as well as the appearance or aesthetics. Connections between people and places, movements and urban forms, nature and the built fabric all ensure that the city develops properly. Liveability should be planned in terms of life, space and then building, which is the key to build your vision in having a quality of life and successful urban places. This is the new framework which will put together all the unused spaces within the cities and make them unite and continuous for interaction and social well being. Over time, architects have now started considering, the context of the site, people's need, behaviour for a site, the interaction of dead space with the built environment and then the functionality of the built mass in such a manner that now "people" are the determining factor. The research aims to analyze the process of city planning with their connectivity between open spaces and built mass in the past and present time. The objective is to trace the larger idea behind cities being built for people and not for only profits and aesthetics, by investigating the city socially, aesthetically, environmentally and culturally. The role of urban architecture in today's day clearly fills the gap and adds the missing value to it. Therefore, open space should never be an afterthought as is the sad reality. Conversely, all the public open spaces must be designed along the built mass. Throughout history, how we design and inhabit physical space has been a primary defense against epidemics. However, in today’s modern era, beyond the rush of health cures, cities are seen to react by using both architecture and urban strategic planning which have become tools for the virus containment, shattering our notions of city and resilience planning. To keep pace with the advancements in this field and prepare society to meet the demands of high standards in this industry and ever rising competition in the urban world, it has become even more necessary in exploring ways to stand out. Therefore, the need for a fresh perspective has enhanced the role of urbanists to designing, planning and conserving the cities essence.
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7: Shaping Liveable Places
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