The concept of green roofs addresses and improves damaging impact on the urban environment in a sustainable solution. Cost efficiency, reduced air temperatures, energy consumption, reduced environmental pollution, and lower maintenance costs are some advantages of installing green roofs (Fadli et al., 2019, 2016; Zaina, 2017). The horizontal system (green roof) is becoming popular as they are evolving. In the last years, the quantity of studies distributed in the scientific writing on this point has rapidly expanded (Jim, 2017), however, lacking studies on the application and implementation of smart digital applications on green roof systems. Furthermore, with the current context of the COVID 19, the globe is not only moving to automation and smart systems, but also trying to go contactless. Thus, the less contact of people in the design the better it will be due to the COVID 19 which can also occur in the future. Hence, there is an urge to use smart digital applications on GRs that are less self-sufficient and independent due to the crises like the one we are currently passing through. The paper aims to develop a comprehensive technical review of various digital smart applications in green roofs systems that can be used. This is aimed to create a healthy, sustainable and smart self-sufficient building design that improves the overall environmental quality. It also aims to critically analyze the human perceptions on the application and implementation of SGRs, to determine the awareness level and barriers facing utilization of SGR systems in Qatar. The gathering of main data took the form of qualitative study constituting phase one of a larger research work and a quantitative questionnaire targeting local Qataris; green roof experts and practitioners; consultants, architects and academics. In conclusion, the expected results highlight that the integration of SGR system, with advantages such as its lightweight element and stress on creating self-sustaining communities whilst requiring no intensive maintenance, is a useful green technology that can be applied by architects, engineers, planners and urban designers on many existing and new roofs system in Qatar.