Our cities are witnessing the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution and the flourishing of green cities concepts, with burgeoning technological inventions linked to smart interactive cities and intelligent buildings in which humans, machines, and spaces continuously interact. Our ambition in this explorative study is to design and develop a sophisticated intelligent platform that interacts and responds to the needs and aspirations of urban inhabitant, which are increasing exponentially, in complete synchronization with the capacities of machines, spaces, and buildings. Consequently, there is a demand and a necessity for the development of Ambient Intelligent Systems (AMISs) which enable the creation of intelligent settlements that efficiently ease the communication between urban inhabitants [Human–building–space]. This is critical to reduce rising energy consumption and increase urban green fabric by using an integrative design approach (Fadli F., AlSaeed M. 2020 ). The aim of this paper is to investigate current technological solutions that address the interaction between the subjects of human–building–space through sensory devices and advanced Artificial Intelligent systems [AI’s]. This can be achieved through a comprehensive understanding of human–building interactions, using the design and development of Ambient Intelligent Systems that enable the interaction of different stakeholders and users with the buildings they live and work in, in real-time. It is anticipated that these innovative systems will solve problems related to energy usage, control of the building, and, the outdoor environmental quality (urban fabric). he findings of this paper demonstrate the necessity of integrating AMIS solutions into the early stages of building design as a primary method of Design, Build, and Operation (DBO). Earlier computational design technologies will help develop an Advanced Design, Analysis, and Management System (ADAMS). This system has been simulated and validated effectively to enable constant human–building interactivity with real-time feedback (Fadli F., AlSaeed M., 2020). AMIS solutions through the ADAMS model lead us as designers, architects, planners, and users to consider our buildings as interactive living entities rather than static conventional masses. Human–building–space interactions through the AMIS platforms will be capable of collecting, analyzing, synthesizing and developing adequate customized decisions on their own, as [AI] constituents of the Smart Interactive Buildings [SIBs] network, which will undoubtedly lead to reduced energy consumption and healthier, more liveable Smart Interactive Settlements [SISs]. The author of this paper would like to acknowledge the support and guidance received from Dr. Fodil Fadli as he is a co-author in this paper.