Heritage sites are important landmark features that give the community where they are located an identity and prominence. How heritage sites are preserved and managed in Niger State calls for concern because less attention is given to the tourism industry by the State government. This lackadaisical attitude of preservation of heritage sites by the State government is evident in Zungeru. Despite being a heritage haven, heritage sites in Zungeru are either abandoned and relics overgrown with weeds or converted to other land uses. Against this background, this study assessed the state of heritage sites in Zungeru. In carrying out this assessment, the spatial locations of the heritage sites were identified and mapped, the present condition of the heritage sites and the management role of the Niger State Ministry of Culture and tourism were also examined. The theory of restoration served as the basis for this study. Data for the Study were collected through secondary sources, reconnaissance survey, and oral interviews. The study reveals that 90% of the heritage sites in Zungeru were poorly maintained, the hall where the amalgamation declaration of the unification of the northern and southern protectorate of the country was signed in 1914 was found to be in ruin. The study further reveals that five different heritage sites in Zungeru were converted to other land uses. The study recommends that the integrated planning approach should be used in the management and preservation of heritage sites in Zungeru. The Nigeria Urban and Regional Planning law should strictly be enforced by planning authority in Niger State to ensure the apt management of heritage sites. Keywords: Haven, Heritage, Land use, Law and Tourism