Research on the Interaction between Water Resources Overall Planning and Spatial Planning

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With the intensification of global climate change, many countries and regions in the world are facing problems such as water resources shortage, water pollution and frequent flooding disasters. Discussing water issues only from the perspective of the water profession has been unable to solve the current more and more complex water problems. The interaction between urban and rural spatial development and water system changes has received more attention. The time and space fluctuation risks of water resources pose more challenges to the city's traditional spatial development model. Strengthening the research and application of water resources overall planning at the spatial planning level, and coordinating the protection, development, and utilization of water resources are important elements for ensuring the sustainability of water resources and social and economic development. This study takes a small city with coexisting water shortage and flooding in East China as an example, relying on 3S(Remote sensing、Geography information systems、Global positioning systems) technology, focusing on two aspects: urban and rural water supply guarantee and mitigation of urban flood disasters. Combining the climatic and hydrological characteristic model of the river basin and the distribution of urban and rural spatial elements, through spatial data mining and visual expression, we can find the key contradictions of water space and landuse. Such as environmental damage of water source area, insufficient water source reserve, low economic efficiency of water, unbalanced water-use structure, lack of water storage space, narrow flood channel and so on. In terms of water supply guarantee, through the guidance of population development scale, optimization of industrial distribution and types, protection of urban water source areas, comprehensive watershed water resources scheduling scheme, ecological compensation, etc., the corresponding spatial planning strategies are proposed. In terms of urban flood control, construct an evaluation model of flood-prone disasters, identify flood risk areas, and improve the city ’s security defense capabilities and disaster resilience based on the city ’s ability and characteristics to respond to floods, with the goal of “safely resisting floods and safety in floods”. Put forward measures that should be implemented for flood control and disaster mitigation, including improving the urban flood control system, constructing engineering facilities, building resilient flood control facilities, and establishing a coordinated management mechanism for river basin flood control. The field of spatial planning has long focused on land in the land, lacking a complete understanding of the scientific operation rules of the water system, and it is easy to ignore the basic role of the water system as the bottom of the space, causing urban and rural construction to continuously squeeze the water-carrying space, and industrial development continues to damage the water-carrying capacity. From the perspective of the integration of water resources planning and spatial planning, this study attempts to analyze and solve the problem of the spatial placement of the sustainable development of the water system, facing a more complex and changeable future human living environment.
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4: Safeguarding the Urban Resilience
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