Sustainable architectural and urban design: a tool towards resilient built environment

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Simply understood as ‘seeking opportunities out of crises’, resilience seems to be a universal approach to cope with contemporary global challenges, such as changing climate, rapid urbanisation, loss of biodiversity, migrations, etc. As a majority of the current problems are of urban origin – i.e. they emerge in cities, where they also cause significant consequences on people, ecosystems and infrastructures, it is a city and its territorial sub-elements (district, neighbourhood, site, building) that provide a prolific field for exploring the mechanisms towards resilient governance, planning and design. Under such an overarching agenda of urban resilience, in this paper we focus on exploring the components of architectural and urban design as a tool for mitigating climate change. More precisely, as carbon dioxide emitted from the built environment is released into the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate, we want to explore the design patterns that help reduce CO2 emissions to finally lessen the vulnerability index of urban systems. Scrutinising the relationship between the climate change and construction industry elucidates the concepts like sustainable construction, green buildings, and design for climate, among others. We conclude with the systematic overview of objectives, strategies, and principles of sustainable architectural and urban design aimed at curbing the effects of climate change to finally help increase urban resilience.
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4: Safeguarding the Urban Resilience
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TT Architects, London
ETH Zurich
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