Lessons learned from past events indicate that the shift our plans from centralized to decentralized, it has brought effective results in the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster management actions. Due to growth and urbanization, increasing population density and buildings in cities and limited capability to deal with accidents, it is necessary to be planned just-regional area to minimize the vulnerability of cities. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to aspects of efficiency, compliance with the urban elements, proximity to residential areas, access to transportation routes, surveys, geological hazards, safety and etc. Also it is needed to comprehensive studies. Although the study, selection and provision of suitable land due to limitations in Tehran and necessity of considering multiple parameters, was sensitive, and difficult, But the planning was done in accordance with the land bases as possible in such a way that in each of the areas of Tehran, is a construction base. Also is intended a base with the user "special disaster management" in each district. As well as possible in each city of Tehran, A disaster management center has been established which attention to the role of women in the growth of children and family development, Part of the base dedicate to sports activities for women. Also if Tehran requires supporting from other provinces in relief, disaster management bases have been built in four points of Tehran in the border areas. One of the main functions of disaster management support bases is to provide public and specialized education to citizens as social capital, which plays an important role in improving the level of social resilience. Goals: 1. decreasing the level of risk in Tehran 2. decentralized distribution disaster management in Tehran 3. creating the places for increasing people knowledge and citizen participation in incidents. 4. Increasing citizens' resilience in the face of incidents and disasters. 5. leading locals capabilities and public in disaster management cycle. 6. Improving Capacities in order to promote the ability to cope with possible events in Tehran 7. organizing and coordinating professional organizations in disaster management