The Challenges of Building Climate Resilient Infrastructure in Qatar

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The UN Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) predicts more extreme variable climate in the future due to climate change. This may have wide-ranging effects on existing infrastructures in Qatar, and is likely to require costly investment in the infrastructure to tackle the urban challenges resulting from climate change. The main focus of this paper is to enhance the understating of climate change resilience of urban infrastructure in Qatar and develop policy frameworks based on comparative case studies on cities aorund the world where resilient infrastructure practice are in place. A multi-faceted approach involving a range of skills from planning, design, construction and management will be required to best manage this issue. In this study, risks associated with climate change factors such as sea level rise, changing rain pattern, temperature etc. will be identified. Consequently, appropriate mitigation and practical adaption strategies will be developed to cope with climate variability and extreme events in Qatar.
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4: Safeguarding the Urban Resilience
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