Slums are global phenomena that exists as a solution for those who couldn’t effort a house. This phenomenon is growing accompanying the rapid urbanization and the growth of the urban population, three-quarter of the world population anticipated to live in an urban environment by 2050.However, in developing countries, it will be more common, this issue could not be neglected and immediate action should be taken. The case study reviews slum's evaluation of upgrading for one of the poorest slums in the capital of Lebanon Beirut called Hay-Al Tanak. This upgrading process focused on improving both physical and social environments by promoting sustainable design solutions in this area. which emphasizes conscious, a long-term design intervention has the intention to presented architectural program propose new sustainable housing development and improve the existing structure condition partially, ensures health and well-being, possibility to develop education and economic growth, ensure safety and resilient sustainability, enhance women's rights in the middle East-Arabic culture, reduce climate change vulnerability that helped to achieve social and environmental equity.As a result, the slum Hay-Al Tanak emphasized its diversity and dynamic nature to build powerful social bridge with its neighborhood, promoting vernacular architecture and urban space. The new approach consolidates local knowledge and skills to achieve economic growth and strengthen dwellers identity, present sustainable and ecological architecture concepts, to be efficient and affordable. The upgrading Highlight financial investment that should be in the right place and time, roles of actors and its position to approach holistic success, transforming informal settlements to formal. Leverage the responsibility for urgent action support the present and secure future for new generation.