The consolidation of environment, and technology consistently represents an ample conjunction of developed and innovative elements to serve the landscape. Construction performance depends not only on the operation of individual elements in the building but also on how they behave as integrated approach to satisfy the user demands. In architecture, generally, projects are contain of different phases of architecture process, and several factors need to be considered among this cycle, such as climate, building shape, comfort levels, materials and systems, occupant health and security. Therefore, advanced technologies became a significant discourse that caught the interest of many professional areas. The Climate Adaptive Building Shells (CABS) are particularly important, as they are the starting point of energy efficiency measures, and the main determinant of the amount of energy required for heating, cooling and ventilation. In order to be able to deal with the different energy saving alternatives, a strong foundation of knowledge need to be addressed to the architects and engineers. Hence, understanding the nature of a specific system in the ecosystem can provide us with intelligent solutions that could fulfil the multipurpose functions. Our study focuses on the CABS, and its impact on the quality of the interior environment, as well as the whole building energy efficiency and performance climate. The work consists of the three approaches to explore the potential of CABS. First we apply multi-objective optimisation to find the best performing static building shell designs. In the second and third step, we investigate the possibility for performance improvement with CABS at two characteristic time-scales: short-term and long-term. Our investigation concludes by analysing the results of our research and identifying an integrated approach on the impact of the CABS on the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Building. Also presenting an outlook for the future. Research project will contains of the investigation of the the changing of CABS in the performance and variable boundary conditions. To do this, we will create a research model and after, we will develop a strategy to proceed with making a simulations, in according to the certain criteria’s. All the simulations will be focused mainly to measure the density, surface absorptance, thermal capacity, thermal conductivity, window to wall ratio, in the two positions of the research model: long term adaptation and short term adaptation. After the simulations all the data will be collected, organised and structured into the tables, and diagrams to be able to analyse the new knowledge on the performance and energy efficiency of buildings. Based on the results and outcomes of our investigation we will determined and created an integrated approach.