The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of urban regeneration in fostering sustainable development of the heritage districts in old Doha, Qatar. Urban regeneration is a tool that seeks to address the apparent decline and decay of urban areas and cities across the globe. Over time, the process of urban growth, as well as productivity patterns, such as economic production, contribute to a significant level of distress and decay in different parts of the city. The key resecah question for this study indicated that What is the role of urban regeneration in fostering sustainable development of heritage districts in Doha? The process also seeks to achieve positive outcomes in reversing such trends. For this reason, urban regeneration focuses on improving the liveability, productivity, and the image of cities through a complex process of urban planning and implementation. The study was supported by spatial analysis methods. Varied database were utilized to conduct spatial analysis of collected historical information about Doha. Besides, space syntax analysis was used to assess the development of urban spatial structure network models of selected Qatari districts. Investigation. The study further made good application of Tripolar Axis of Evaluation to reflect on the sustainability of urban regeneration automatically that creates a tripolar axis of evaluation focused on the triple bottom lines of social, environmental and economic interactions between the spatial and social aspects of a community. It focuses on social networks based on the spatial weights, and the spatial data based on the social weights. The results from data collected reveal that there is an impact of heritage on all districts in Old Doha and spatial networks on any urban regeneration project. Additionally, the findings demonstrate the potential impact of heritage on Old Doha districts in establishing a new urban regeneration strategy as well as the possible influence of spatial networks in urban planning, which is a critical step in determining sustainable urban regeneration. Generally, it was observed that a successful study will enable urban planners to develop policies that would assist in preserving the historical and cultural values of Doha. The process of obtaining data was characterized by a number of limitations. First, there was the issue of confidentiality. Obtaining the evidence would mean that the respondents were to the sacrifice crucial information regarding historic districts in Doha in an attempt to restore the lost city’s urban identity. This was considered detrimental to the privacy of the institution. Following the findings obtained from this study is expected to indicate if there is an impact of heritage on all districts in Old Doha and spatial networks on any urban regeneration project. Additionally, the study revealed that the potential impact of heritage on Old Doha districts in establishing a new urban regeneration strategy as well as the possible influence of spatial networks in urban planning.