An Assessment of the Approaches of Construction and Demolition Waste in Jos, Plateau State of Nigeria

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The continues rise in population, urbanization and the expansion of cities have triggered an increase in construction and demolition activities not to mention the frequent collapse of buildings which are mostly attributed to decay or poor structural design and/or the use of substandard materials among other things. Considering the above, our cities must be planned in order to achieve functional, safe, convenient and livable urban spaces that work. The construction industry generates a substantial amount of rubble/debris known as Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D) from activities such as refurbishments, construction and reconstruction, rehabilitation of buildings, roads/bridges, drainage etc. Most studies have focused generally on solid waste management without considering the uniqueness of C&D wastes and giving it the attention that is needed. This study seeks to investigate the different approaches and processes of C&D waste management in Jos. The mix method was adopted for this research; data were collected through structured questionnaire and face-face interview with the agencies responsible for waste management in the city. A total of 21 construction companies (representing about 10%) were randomly selected for questionnaire administration while interviews were conducted with the agencies responsible for waste management in Jos. Investigations revealed that C&D wastes are heavy and non-degradable materials consisting of roofing sheets, sand, gravel, concrete, masonry, metal, wood to mention only but a few. Also all the construction companies are responsible for collection, storage, transporting and disposal of wastes generated from their activities, about 60-70% of the C&D waste are either reused/reduced, recycled or resell while the remaining are indiscriminately disposed. The Plateau Environmental Protection and Sanitation Agency (PEPSA) and the Jos Metropolitan Development Board (JMDB) are responsible for waste management in the state however, there is an absence of sustainable practices in C&D waste management in Jos hence no records on quantity of C&D waste generated, environmental and financial data nor policies and plans for that sector. It was therefore recommended that; government through the agencies should be involved in C&D waste management considering the growing construction and demolition activities in Jos by putting in place policies and guidelines that are sustainable and environmental- friendly. Keyword: rubble, construction and demolition, disposal, sustainable, waste, reduce and reuse.
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1: Understanding Urban Metabolism
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Senior Lecturer
Plateau State Polytechnic Barkin Ladi, Jos
Plateau State Polytechnic Barkin Ladi.
Plateau State Polytechnic Barkin Ladi, Jos
Senior Lecturer
Plateau State Polytechnic Barkin Ladi, Jos
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