Green infrastructure assessment with a perspective of ecosystem service value: a case study of Huangpi District, Wuhan, PRC

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Human activities and rapid economic development profoundly accelerate complex changes of landscape. Despite the controversy of the standard definition of green infrastructure, the significance and essential ecosystem services green infrastructure provide has widely and profoundly aroused interests of scholars and practitioners. With several large areas of ecological reserves, Wuhan maintains a huge scale of natural capital providing a wide range of ecosystem services. In this paper, a GI ecosystem services assessment framework is proposed to evaluate the GI ecosystem service value of Huangpi District which is characterized by its intense urban activities and ecological resources. A qualitative evaluation is applied to provide an insight of GI hierarchy recognition. The conclusions concentrate on mapping, outcome visualization and a GI spatial structure identification. GIS techniques are used to visualize the distribution and provision of different services. The Total Economic Value (TEV) of all the investigated GIESV was about 15900 US dollar per capita, and was almost two times as much as the overall GDP of Huangpi district in 2017. The results reveal GIESV in Huangpi district functioned well. Besides, spatially, the distribution of GI components can be classified into two patterns: a circular distribution and a significant distinction of ecosystem services types.
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1: Understanding Urban Metabolism
Institute of Urban & Rural Planning, China Academy of Building Research
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